Frequently Asked Questions

You will find answers to the most common Marine Survey related questions here.


1. Why do I need a survey?

A survey is required by most insurance underwriters when the vessel is 10 years or older. It is prudent to have a professional inspect and confirm the vessel is Sea Worthy and Operational.

2. Do I require any other inspections?

Yes, a complete mechanical inspection of the machinery and equipment should be performed by a licensed reputable mechanic. I can assist you with a referral to the appropriate service centre & what you should be looking for regards the propulsion system(s) and machinery on the vessel.

3. Anticipation of annual costs attached to owning this boat?

I can provide a schedule of costs based on the vessel after it is surveyed and inspected. This includes anticipated costs per hour of use, insurance, a routine annual maintenance pro forma, possible repairs going forward based on current hours of use, moorage costs and other related expenses. I provide this under the consulting program.

4. Am I paying market value for the vessel?

I do provide a comprehensive market value of the vessel after it is surveyed and inspected under the market evaluation program. It is always good financial planning to have a professional evaluate a major purchase regardless of age.

I am available by phone, email or local number text to engage your needs and answer your questions. Initial contact and my advice are no charge. When I am engaged to perform a survey, inspection or analysis we enter into an agreement. Please complete our authorization page to proceed with your needs. Simply fill it out and hit Submit.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Serving Greater Victoria, Mid-Island, Saanich Peninsula & Greater Vancouver
Will travel anywhere in Western Canada by quote


MEMBER # 57376751

Local 250-893-2839
Canada Toll Free 1-833-893-2839
PO Box 288 Brentwood Bay, B.C. V8M 1R3

Open daily 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM